Wednesday, December 19, 2012

T.I. Advocates The Right To Have Assault Weapons. Says He Never Snitched On Anyone "Who's In Prison Right Now That Can Say T.I. Put Me Here?"

T.I. visited Hot 97 recently to promote his new album Trouble Man: Heavy Is the Head, but the conversation quickly turned to the issue of gun control.

"This is my problem right now and stepping in right now and the ban of anything. What that does is only the criminals are going to be allowed to have this particular item," Tip said. "Because it's criminals that right now can't have assault rifles, pistols, fully (automatics), or nothing and they got them and they know they can't have them so you think if they ban them its gonna be double illegal for me now? I'm still going to carry mine. So if the illegals have them, I think the legals must have them."

The subject of whether Tip ever snitched or not also came up. The Grand Hustle CEO denied ever snitching on anyone.

"I ain't ever been in no segregation man. I always been in gen pop all the time," Tip explained. "I turned in my paperwork. when you turn in your paperwork it's called a paperwork party. They look at it on the yard. Everybody gets to observe it and whatnot. They know exactly what to look for... your court minutes. That means every time you done walked in the courtroom. What you have said, what the judge said. Your plea agreement. That means in order for you to get this plea what it is you go to come forth with. And they got to submit this stuff. If you wanna have an online Wi-Fi paperwork party, Clifford J. Harris 59458019 is my number. Who am I gonna be able to tell on and they not say in prison right now T.I. put me here? Everybody wants to believe that because if they would have got caught in those situations that's what would have happened to them."


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